Biofilters and Biotrickling Filters for Air Treatment and Odor Control
Biological treatment of airborne contaminants is a well-established technology in both industrial and municipal applications. The idea is quite simple as should be the system design but that is not always the case. Control the water, control the air, and let the bacteria do the rest.
Theia has 15 years of experience in providing biological treatment systems for a variety of applications. Our systems are simple and require little attention from the operator. The system design is a result of applying this technology for many years and seeing what worked well and what did not. While the engineering that goes into these systems can be quite sophisticated, the implementation of these systems is simple and effective. We did all the design on our end so that you don’t have to.
Theia also understands that, while a guarantee on the media seems like a good assurance, these systems should receive regular routine maintenance including simple checks to verify that the system is operating correctly. We not only stand behind our systems but we will take care of the system for you for as long as you deem appropriate. Because we have confidence in not only our media but our entire system, we can afford to offer long term contracts at a very reasonable price.
We will even provide you the system on a long term lease, lease to purchase, or any model that works with your budget.
We offer Biofilters and Biotrickling filters for:
- Hydrogen Sulfide Removal
- Odor control for Lift stations, Headworks, & Septage Facilities
- Sludge Processing
- Landfill and Digester Gas
- VOC Destruction