
Cleaning up PFAS/PFOA may seem difficult and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Theia treats water and not contaminants. In order to most efficiently treat the contaminants of concern, we must look at everything in the water. 

Treating PFAS/PFOS requires an integrated approach that addresses not only the contaminants of concern (COC), but also those items that may interfere with the selected treatment for those COC. Theia’s systems run reliably with limited attention because they are designed to address the realities of groundwater. These compounds are typically present in the ug/l range, but the same water will likely have iron, TSS, TOC, etc that is present in higher levels. These compounds can quickly render activated carbon or resins ineffective or worse.

Theia offers a simple two or three step treatment process that will effectively treat these compounds while reducing operating costs and eliminating downtime.

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PFAS Systems


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Read some of our water based customized environmental treatment systems articles

WEF Collections 2018

Theia, LLC is currently exhibiting at the WEF Collections 2018 show in Virginia Beach, VA. Stop by booth # 419 for some info on our Oxygenator and Prometheus Systems! 

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Theia & IMEX will be attending WEFTEC in Chicago, IL next week. If you are in the area, exhibiting, or attending, give us a shout and we can set up a meeting or discussion to go over your water and/or wastewater needs. We have over 20 years of experience in the...

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Video Proof of our OxyStrip

Theia's OxyStrip Battles Iron in Rhode Island Take a look at our video to see the OxyStrip in action.  We had many doubters but our OxyStrip won the battle!

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